Thursday 18 July 2013

a little hippie-dippie life.

I think it is safe to say that I've become some what of a hippie.

When Seth was born I was more of a 'main stream' type of mom/person. Most of our stuff was new, we used a butt load of Johnson and Johnson, and I often scoffed at some of the crazy things I saw or heard from the crunchier moms. And now, here I am eating up all my words.

I honestly can't tell you what particularly changed my views - it's been a slow process. But I've made a complete 180 on just about everything I believed back when my wild boy was brand new and not-so-wild.

Today I am proud to call myself a hippie. I am happy to have come into my own views and to have found a better way for my family. We are now eating way better (I haven't bought or prepared Hamburger Helper in months), I try to buy whatever produce I can locally, I've been doing a lot more yoga, and I've even put a full-stop on chemical dyes for my hair.

my last attempt at wearing my toddler in the third trimester!

And those are only a few of the changes that have taken place in our life. I've taken it upon myself to cut down on the number of toys and books we have, and I'm pickier about the quality (why does everything have to be a singing piece of plastic?!). I've been slowly removing the chemicals from our home as well. We are a very proud Seventh Generation family - I love their cleaning products - and I've switched out the not-so-good hair and body products from our bathroom. I'm doing 'low poo' with homemade shampoo and an apple cider vinegar conditioner rinse, and my hair has never looked or felt healthier.

In terms of our actual parenting, a lot has changed there too. If I were to put a label on it, we would probably be attachment parents. But I don't like putting a label on things like that, so I prefer to just say I'm an instinctive parent. I go with what my gut and my research says is the best thing for my littles. I listen to them and respond accordingly - it's really that simple.

bare foot momma, bare foot babe.

I am a hippie mom, and I'm proud to be. My family is healthy and happy and thriving because of it, so even if some of the things we do might be a bit radical I know in the depths of my being that they're worth it.

So would you like a wheat grass shot with your thin mints?

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